We provide access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities to communities in need. Inspired by the stark reality of billions living without these basic necessities, our programs work to improve health, education, and overall quality of life. By addressing the interconnected issues of water scarcity, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene practices, these programs strive to create a sustainable future for vulnerable populations.

Our WASH programs are lifelines that bring hope and dignity to those marginalized by a lack of access to essential resources.

Drilled Wells

By drilling into the earth, we tap into underground water sources to provide communities with a reliable supply of clean water.

Gravity Fed Systems

Harnessing the power of gravity, we create efficient water distribution systems that deliver clean water to communities without relying on electricity.

Piped Systems

Piped water systems bring clean water directly to people's homes, improving hygiene and saving time spent collecting water.

Water Filters

Water filters remove impurities and contaminants, providing clean and safe drinking water.

Our Solutions

Spring Protections

We safeguard natural water sources by protecting springs from contamination.

Household Latrines

Household latrines provide safe and private sanitation facilities, improving hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases.

Chlorination Systems

Chlorination systems purify water by eliminating harmful microorganisms, ensuring safe drinking and reducing the spread of waterborne diseases.

Public Restrooms

Public restrooms provide essential sanitation facilities accessible to everyone, promoting hygiene and dignity in public spaces.

Irrigation Systems

Irrigation systems deliver water efficiently to crops, maximizing yields and conserving precious resources.


Pumps transport water efficiently, overcoming challenges like elevation and distance.

How We Do It

Billions of people, mostly in rural areas, still lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation. EIA builds the critical infrastructure people need to prevent death, unlocks economic productivity, and changes lives. EIA builds local capacity to manage and maintain WASH infrastructure projects, provides sanitation and hygiene education for students and teachers, and hosts first-class service experiences for collegiate student volunteers and engineering professionals. Since 2015, EIA’s Bolivia and Ecuador programs have completed over 120 WASH projects benefiting over 33,000 community partners.

  • The Engineers in Action Bridge Program selects projects through a careful evaluation process. Communities directly or through local governments express their needs for improved access to essential resources, highlighting areas where a bridge would have the biggest impact. Engineer in Action then assesses the technical feasibility of each request, considering factors like terrain and materials availability. Strong partnerships with local governments and organizations are also crucial, as they help navigate permits, regulations, and ensure the long-term success of these bridges built through collaboration between university students, local volunteers, and industry professionals.

  • The Engineers in Action Bridge Program offers opportunities for everyone! University students are a core part of the program. But individual volunteers with a passion for helping communities are also welcome. Industry professionals can get involved through our Industry Program, contributing their expertise. Even if you can't find a perfect fit at first, reach out – we're always looking for ways to collaborate and build bridges together.

  • The time commitment for volunteers in the Engineers in Action Bridge Program varies depending on your role. University students can expect a significant commitment as they design and potentially travel to build the bridges. Local community volunteers often contribute their expertise throughout the project, while the time commitment for individual volunteers might be more flexible depending on their chosen area of support. We encourage you to reach out to us – we can discuss your interests and find a way for you to contribute on a schedule that works for you.

Why Access to Water Matter

Billions of people, mostly in rural areas, still lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation. EIA builds the critical infrastructure that prevents illness and death, unlocks economic productivity, and changes lives.

Water-borne disease creates a cycle of illness, illiteracy, & poverty

WASH increases resilience and lessens recovery time during disasters

WASH projects are cost-effective; a $1 investment in WASH yields $3-$4 in economic return

Improved Health

Educational Attainment

Ecological Stewardship

Growing Economies

Access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) produces a significant impact:

Contact us.

Do you want to build a WASH project with us? Find out more ways to get involved today!