Why Bridges

The World Bank estimates that one billion people in low-income countries worldwide lack access to a road that is passable year-round, largely due to rainy seasons that are both critical to agriculture and dangerous for the very people who depend on those seasonal rains. When rivers swell, walks to school or work or visits to a doctor can become life-threatening without a bridge to cross. For people around the world, a bridge can mean the difference between receiving an education, selling goods, and getting medical attention - or not.

How We Do It

Our Engineers in Action Bridge Program builds bridges in two ways: with brawn and collaboration. University students engineer the bridges, but we partner with local governments to understand their needs and industry professionals for expertise. Most importantly, the communities themselves are active volunteers, providing local knowledge and ensuring the bridges are sustainable for the long term.

  • The Engineers in Action Bridge Program selects projects through a careful evaluation process. Communities directly or through local governments express their needs for improved access to essential resources, highlighting areas where a bridge would have the biggest impact. Engineer in Action then assesses the technical feasibility of each request, considering factors like terrain and materials availability. Strong partnerships with local governments and organizations are also crucial, as they help navigate permits, regulations, and ensure the long-term success of these bridges built through collaboration between university students, local volunteers, and industry professionals.

  • The Engineers in Action Bridge Program offers opportunities for everyone! University students are a core part of the program. But individual volunteers with a passion for helping communities are also welcome. Industry professionals can get involved through our Industry Program, contributing their expertise. Even if you can't find a perfect fit at first, reach out – we're always looking for ways to collaborate and build bridges together.

  • The time commitment for volunteers in the Engineers in Action Bridge Program varies depending on your role. University students can expect a significant commitment as they design and potentially travel to build the bridges. Local community volunteers often contribute their expertise throughout the project, while the time commitment for individual volunteers might be more flexible depending on their chosen area of support. We encourage you to reach out to us – we can discuss your interests and find a way for you to contribute on a schedule that works for you.

Sponsor a Bridge

By sponsoring a bridge, you're not just investing in infrastructure; you're investing in the lives of countless individuals. Your contribution will facilitate commerce, education, and healthcare access for entire communities. Let's create a lasting legacy together. Join us in building bridges that connect people and possibilities.

We Build Connections

Our bridges are more than structures - they're connections. They link communities to resources, reduce isolation, and foster collaboration between students, locals, and professionals. They build a brighter future, one bridge at a time.

Our Projects

Why Bridges Matter

Isolation caused by impassable rivers is a root source of poverty all over the world. We build footbridges with isolated communities to ensure year-round, safe access to education, healthcare and employment.

12% Increase in children enrolled in school

18% Increase in healthcare treatment

45% Increase in fertilizer investment

59% Increase of women in the labor market

75% Increase in farm profits

30% Increase in labor market income

20% Return on investment

56% Increase in crop yield

Contact us.

Do you want to build a bridge with us? Find out more ways to get involved today!